Guarda 木村家の人びと Film Completo Online. Set in Japan during the bubble era, this unique home comedy cheerfully and humorously depicts the daily life of a strange family that works together to accumulate a small amount of money, while mixing irony and satire.
- Genere: Commedia, Dramma, Famiglia
- Nazione: Japan
- Direttore: 滝田洋二郎
- Cast: 鹿賀丈史, 桃井かおり, 岩崎ひろみ, 伊崎充則, Akira Emoto, 木内みどり, 風見章子, 小西博之, 清水ミチコ, Shin Nakano, 加藤嘉, 多々良純, 奥村公延, 木田三千雄, Chigusa Tsuyuhara, 辻伊万里, 今井和子, Mari Torigoe, 酒井敏也, Yutaka Ikejima, 十貫寺梅軒,